Pillar & Ground
Pillar & Ground is a podcast for the Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church family so that we may deepen in our knowledge of the ground on which we stand and also deepen in our connection with whom we stand together in community and mission.
Pillar & Ground
How Can Christians Live Faithfully in the Current Political Moment? - Part 2
Brian hosts a conversation with Rev. Micah Fries (Director of Engagement at Glocal.net) and Dr. Derek Halvorson (former president of Covenant College) about today's political climate. They discuss how Christians ought to engage with the increasingly politicized culture and share ideas for conversations across party lines, how to consume news, and much more.
The Posture of Our Politics presented by the Faith CO/OP
Host: Brian Salter
Special Guests: Rev. Micah Fries & Dr. Derek Halvorson
Producer: Ben Wingard
Music arranged by David Henry and performed by David Henry and Hannah Lutz.
To contact Pillar & Ground or to submit a question that you would like to hear addressed on a future episode, please email podcast@lmpc.org.